Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Whenever we talk about refugee,Syrian refugee blunder of international community shall definitely come to our mind .It is probably the worst after second world war and Bangladesh  crisis . Syrian refugee crisis is one of the worst to happen in this modern digital world. It is  probably the biggest crisis of human race after 2nd  world war, which took millions of life .
The Syrian Civil War started practically in 2011 after peaceful protests against government got quickly escalated and after its  violent crackdown by government followed by an armed opposition by army deserters  .War is  still on and Syria  is in a State of Emergency.

In this war two warring sides are supported by two Power Groups . The situation is a creation of  super power  rivalry  to establish supremacy , to meet own self interest &  to disturb existing balance of  power .They  used Syria as a play ground of their politics , used Syria as a place to test their new weapons, to boost their arms industries ,increase their order book  for their factories  to create employment  , at a huge cost of human life .Millions dead and displaced,disappeared .Families were destroyed , made crippled , economy got shattered and what not, a height of destruction  and losses .

Day and night bombing  by Power Groups is creating further havoc ,destroying crowded cities , hospitals , killing thousand innocent civilians a horrified human rights violations , is widespread. Peoples are forced  to fee their homes and are either moving to neighboring countries or within the country else where.Families are struggling to survive  whether inside Syria or to a new home in neighboring countries. 

Majority are fleeing Syria to avoid civil war .Refugees are  facing acute shortages of Basic amenities ,necessities like food , medical care, water , hygiene in the refugee camps.The Refugees are so desperate that even they have started moving towards Europe crossing Mediterranean sea , even risking their lives. ALAN KURDI  was one . Europe is facing its biggest refugee crisis since the second world war. Last year, just over a million have entered the EU illegally.

Million of Syrian refugees who are now in Turkey, probably waiting to take the dangerous boat journey  to  Europe via Greece. Really a desperate move ,a  question of life & death. But they are hopelessly helpless. Harsh winters and hot summers making  life of these refugees even more miserable . At times, the effects of the conflict can seem overwhelming.

The U.N. estimates that 6 million people are internally displaced.Where as over half of the country’s Pre-War population of 22 million is in need of urgent humanitarian assistance irrespective where they are  in their country or have since escaped across the neighboring borders or to Europe.

Many Syrian refugees are living in Jordan and Lebanon .But these two  small countries with weak infrastructure and limited resources are nearing to breaking point under this burden. More Syrians moved to northern Iraq . Now they are sandwiched by that country's own internal conflict, and Iraq is struggling to meet the needs of Syrian refugees on top of more than 1 million their  internal Iraqis displaced .Thousands of Syrians flee their country every day. Increasing number of Syrian refugees who are fleeing across the border into Turkey, creating new cultural tensions there. A totally chaotic situation in the region.

According to the U.N., about 11 million Syrians have been displaced from their homes — In July 2012, there were 100,000 refugees. One year later, it became  2 million. That multiplied by many times  by the end of 2015.There are now 4.8 million Syrians refugees scattered throughout the region, making them the world's largest refugee population under UN. It's the worst exodus . All Syrian refugees are not living in camps probably it is 20 % , rest have settled in rural places and feeding themselves by doing some local work.

The formerly barren desert land is crowded with acres of white tents, makeshift shops line .Some camps in Jordan are good as they are carefully designed  which provides basic needs up to some extent  in Jordan.These camps are run by the government and the U.N. together. But many families are not happy , so they seek shelter in nearby towns.

Iraq too  has set up a few camps to house the influx of refugees who arrived to their side , where as in Lebanon, the government has no official camps for refugees, so families establish makeshift camps or find shelter in abandoned buildings. In Turkey, the majority of refugees are struggling to survive .Most refugees  do local work in neighboring countries. As they struggle to find odd jobs and accept low wages. The lack of clean water and sanitation in crowded, makeshift settlements is of urgent concern. Diseases  can easily spread — even life-threatening without enough medical services. 

In some areas,with the largest refugee populations, water shortages have reached to emergency levels 
The Young refugees face an uncertain future.Some are going to schools but mostly not . Schools have been divided to run in into two shifts and make room for more Syrian students.But there is simply not enough space for all the children, and many families cannot afford it .

The youngest are confused and scared .The older children are forced to take care of their family in desperate circumstances.During 2016, as per  U.N. about $8 billion is required to provide emergency support and for stabilization of families throughout the region. Officials, NGO 's  are delivering foods and clean water, improving shelters where ever possible and providing families with clothing, mattresses and other household essentials.Worst affected are children  who needs  healthy environment.

The countries who are giving shelters should not be stretched far because of their limited resources otherwise breakdown condition will  be more disastrous . UN should speed up it's efforts to provide relief to Refugees as much as possible .

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